标准编号 |
标准中文名称 |
标准英文名称 |
JB/T3548-1991 |
制冷用R12、R22、R502热力膨胀阀 |
NF D36-405-2000 |
建筑阀门.膨胀阀.试验和要求 |
(Building valves - Expansion valves - Tests and requirements.) |
ANSI/ARI 750-1987 |
制冷剂恒温膨胀阀 |
(Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves) |
ANSI/ASHRAE 17-1986 |
恒温制冷剂膨胀阀额定容量测试方法 |
(Capacity Rating of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves, Method of Testing for) |
BS EN 1491-2000 |
建筑物阀门.膨胀阀门.试验和要求 |
(Building valves - Expansion valves - Tests and requirements) |
JB/T10212-2000 |
制冷空调用直动式电子膨胀阀 |
EN 1491-2000 |
建筑筏门 膨胀阀 试验和要求 |
Building valves - Expansion valves - Tests and requirements |
DIN EN 1491-2000 |
建筑物阀门.膨胀阀门.试验和要求 |
(Building valves - Expansions valves - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1491:2000) |
JB/T10386-2002 |
家用和类似用途空调电子膨胀阀 |
JIS B8619-1999 |
静热制冷剂膨胀阀.性能试验方法 |
(Thermostatic refrigerant expansion valves -- Methods of testing for performance) |
QC/T663-2000(2005复审) |
汽车空调(HFC-134a)用热力膨胀阀 |
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